

We start with a free phone consultation to identify your goals, discuss your pain points, and answer any questions you may have.


In-home organizing session ($199)

Each 3-4 hour session includes in-home organizing services inspired by Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method®.  Learn the fundamentals from a certified KonMari Consultant and apply them to organize and transform your space.


Complimentary vision exercise to discuss your ideal lifestyle.

A guided application of the signature KonMari Method®.

Customized storage solutions, organizing tips and more.


starter in-home package ($499)

This is ideal if you are moving, cleaning out an estate, or motivated to put your entire house in order. This package includes three 3-4 hour sessions, on-demand access to a certified KonMari Consultant, and a customized plan and accountability to help you transform your home.


On-demand access to a certified KonMari Consultant.

Customized plan and accountability.

Storage tips and recommendations.


Workshops + speaking ($150+)

Are you interested in hosting an organizing workshop for your group, company or professional organization? We offer customized workshops to cater to your needs. Topics most requested: Organizing 101, Digital Decluttering, How to Organize with the KonMari Method® and Increasing Your Productivity.


Quick-and-easy proposal process.

Customization based on your topics of interest.

Free resources worksheets provided to attendees.

Ready to get started?